Beijing time December 15 news, according to the U.S. national geographic web site reported, in order to satisfy the Sao Paulo, other big Runescape Gold cities and the constant development and expansion of the industrial facilities in demand, Brazil plan in the GuHe built the world's third big hydroelectric dam--Betty Lou MengDi dam.The GuHe is the chief tributary of the amazon.Critics have pointed out that, in order to build the $17 billion Betty Lou MengDi dam, there will be more than 20000 people have been forced from their homes, including opening and general (Kayapo), is the unique local aboriginal culture will also threatened.Open and the survival of the people at the GuHe rely on and its tributaries, the river is their food and drinking water sources, transportation and depends on these rivers.
1. The water play

Brazil in the GuHe plan built on the world's third big hydroelectric dam--Betty Lou MengDi dam.Critics say the dam will be forced to build more than 20000 residents out of their homes, local aboriginal's unique culture will also threatened.Norte Energia SA is by the public and private power and building enterprise consisted of an group company, responsible for building the Lou MengDi dam.They point out that while building a dam will have indirect effects, but local residents whether to need to move or for an unknown number.
Since the 1990 s, the photographer Christina-milt mayer and often to the amazon shooting, usually two times each year to go, take small airplanes.She use lens record at the humanism of open and drabs, about their GuHe xing and the relationship between them.In the picture, four children in Rio's playing PuKui tributary bliss.Open and the life and at the GuHe inseparable, dealing with the river they become part of Runescape Gold for Sale daily life.Milt, "mayer said:" after the baby was born was brought to the GuHe. The water all day, can see the children play scenes. Small figure, they become swimmer."
The threat of DAMS built for open and people at is not strange.In the 1990 s, a in the GuHe built DAMS plan for local residents and international social protest final abortion, when open and people at play a leadership role.Despite his some blame, think the Lou MengDi dam of generating capacity cannot reach the expected supporters, but building plan seems to be still in advance.Some of the criticism with the outside world, the Brazilian government officials wouldn't budge, points out of the dam project in the objections to continue to push forward the.They insisted that build power generation is to satisfy the dam in developing countries must take measures in demand.
2. Face with dyes

Open and people in general face and body spread the dye-the main is black or red-the formation of design, have a plenty of geometrical design, have a plenty of simple stripe.These design to display in their age, also used to display the forces of the body, such as muscle strength, sexual ability and ability to feel.In this photo library-kang klein village (Kuben Konkre) shooting, a mother is going to face red dye with daughter.The dye to come from the forest of picking the LuKu (a kind of fruit) of Buy Runescape Gold seeds.Besides tu dye outside, and will open at pulled out their eyebrows and eyelashes.Women often shaved off the hair of his forehead.
Open and the lives of people at relatively isolated from the state, have long been faced with land ranchers, from the prospectors encroach on and of the threat.Critics pointed out, in addition to change the flow of the GuHe outside, building a dam also means building roads, and at the same time, resulting in a large number of workers poured into the region, open and the damage at unique culture.